Action: Nabaztag

PLEASE READ the /phpMyDomo/www/inc/doc/howto/ for more informations


This action send a command to a Nabaztag using an OJN server


You must have a working OpenJabNab server:


  • 'type' => (mandatory) 'nabaztag'
  • 'server' => (required) the server were is installed OJN: ie ""
  • 'mac' => (required) MAC address of your bunny, ie "0019db9e1234"
  • 'token' => (required in 'ears' mode) Violet API Token (grab it from the OJN Admin)
  • 'mode' => (required) 'tts' | 'ears' | 'stream' | 'wake' | 'sleep' | 'reboot' | 'softreboot'

  • In 'tts' mode (Text To Speech) :
    • 'text' => (required) Text to be spoken by the Nabaztag
    • 'voice' => (optionnal) voice to use (see the list bellow)
  • In 'ears' mode (Move ears) :
    • 'left' => (required) position of the left ear (0 to 16)
    • 'right' => (required) position of the right ear (0 to 16)
  • In 'stream' mode (play a mp3) :
    • mp3 => (required) url to the mp3 file to be streamed
  • 'force' => (optionnal) 0 | 1 : When the bunny is in sleeping mode, it force him to wakeup before doing an action, then put it back to sleep.
  • 'timeout' => (optionnal) the maximum time to spend asking the remote server
  • 'custom' => (optionnal) replaces "{custom}" in the text field

Possible voices (acapela tts mode)

  • Arabic : Leila, Mehdi, Nizar, Salma,
  • English (AU) : Liam, Lisa, Olivia, Tyler,
  • English (India) : Deepa,
  • English (UK) : Graham, Harry, Lucy, Nizareng, Peter, PeterHappy, PeterSad, QueenElizabeth, Rachel, Rosie,
  • French (Belgium) : Justine,
  • French (Canada) : Louise,
  • French (France) : Alice, Antoine, AntoineFromAfar, AntoineHappy, AntoineSad, AntoineUpClose, Bruno, Claire, Julie, Manon, Margaux, MargauxHappy, MargauxSad,
  • German : Andreas, Jonas, Julia, Klaus, Lea, Sarah,
  • Italian : chiara, fabiana, vittorio,
  • Russian : Alyona,
  • Spanish (Spain) : Antonio, Ines, Maria,
  • Spanish (US) : Rodrigo, Rosa

URLs examples
