Installing phpMyDomo


  • Apache WebServer
  • Apache ModRewrite enabled
  • php5 >= 5.3
  • php5-curl
  • php5-sqlite (for iPhoto)


If you're used to Git, the best way to install phpMyDomo is to clone the git 'master' branch, and to set an Apache virtual host pointing to the phpMydomo/www directory. Future update will then only require a git pull .

If not, here is the manual way of installing phpMyDomo:

1) Download the archive

Download the archive and decompress it somewhere on your server, ie in your home directory : /home/USERNAME/

cd /home/USERNAME/
wget -O phpMyDomo_latest.tar.gz
tar xvfz phpMyDomo_latest.tar.gz

Change "USERNAME" to your real username (ie "pi", "johndoe", etc..)

2) Apache + php5 + php5-curl + php5-sqlite + ModRewrite must be installed

Make sure that you have a working Apache + php5 + php5-curl + php5-sqlite + ModRewrite installed and enabled (On Ubuntu, you might also need "php5-json"). If not, you can automatically install these by doing (on Debian):

cd /home/USERNAME/phpMyDomo-phpMyDomo-XXXX/www/inc/bin/
chmod 755

change "phpMyDomo-phpMyDomo-XXXX" according to your exact directory name, ie "phpMyDomo-phpMyDomo-9fa72f8"

If some software are already installed, it wont break anything to launch this script: It will just install missing software (if any), enable modRewrite, change the cache permission and rename the conf_sample directory for you...

3) make the www/inc/cache directory writable

If you've not already launched the install script, do :

chmod -R 777 /home/USERNAME/phpMyDomo-phpMyDomo-XXXX/www/inc/cache

and make sure that Apache modRewrite is enabled : a2enmod rewrite

4) Setup the virtual host for Apache

If you use the default apache web directory at /var/www/ , make sure that this directory has the AllowOverride All and Options Indexes FollowSymLinks set, ie:

<Directory /var/www/>    
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride All
    (other directives)

in Debian, when using the default configuration, you just have to change its "AllowOverride None" to "AllowOverride All" .

nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/default

5) Move the www directory to the WebServer root

You have to move the content of your phpMyDomo-phpMyDomo-XXXX/www/ directory to the directory where you have configured Apache to serve files from:

Ie on debian, if you're using the default webserver location in /var/www/, do: mv -f /home/USERNAME/phpMyDomo-phpMyDomo-XXXX/www/* /var/www/ mv -f /home/USERNAME/phpMyDomo-phpMyDomo-XXXX/www/.htaccess /var/www/

Notice: Be sure that you've copied the /home/USERNAME/phpMyDomo-phpMyDomo-XXXX/www/.htaccess (hidden) file to your webserver root directory, else you will get a 404 when trying to access phpMyDomo from your web browser.

6) restart apache

apache2ctl restart


in phpMyDomo/www/inc/ rename the directory conf_sample to conf : mv /var/www/inc/conf_sample /var/www/inc/conf

By default, phpMyDomo, is configured to use the OpenHab API, from the live demo API server.

Check if it works

  • Launch you browser on the url where you've installed phpMyDomo. Click on the "Devices" Tab. If all is well configured , you should see the device list from the demo server.

  • You can now customize the www/inc/conf/config.php file: You first have to change the API server to the one you want to use, (and set its location:port when PMD is on a different server). Then create your groups, blocks, hide menu, add cameras etc...

(BTW anyone wanting to make a better, clear, good-english version of this document is very welcome!)